Mercedes C-Class

W203 since 2000 of release

Repair and operation of the car

+ Mercedes-Benz cars of class C (W-203)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine
   Check of a compression in engine cylinders
   Check of the engine by means of the vacuum gage
   Removal and installation of a cover of a motive compartment from the bottom
   + 4-cylinder petrol engines
   + 6-cylinder petrol engines
   - Diesel engines
      Removal and installation of the top cover of the engine
      Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of VMT
      Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders
      Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
      Removal and installation of a forward cover
      Removal and installation of the top guide of a chain
      Replacement of chains of the GRM drive and installation of phases of gas distribution
      Removal and installation of camshafts
      Removal and installation of an intermediate asterisk
      Removal and installation of a natyazhitel of a chain
      Removal and installation of a maple belt
   + Engine lubrication system
+ Cooling system and heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Removal and installation of camshafts



1. Remove the top covers of the engine, address appropriate section.
2. Remove nozzles, address the Section Removal and installation of nozzles.
3. Uncover a head of cylinders, address appropriate section.
4. Install the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of VMT.

5. Fix the camshaft of inlet valves. For this purpose implant a lock finger (1) through a cover of the first bearing of camshafts into an opening in an asterisk of a shaft of inlet valves (2).

6. Remove a natyazhitel of a chain, address appropriate section.
7. Remove a forward cover, address appropriate section.
8. Remove the top guide of sliding, address appropriate section.
9. Mark a camshaft asterisk in relation to a chain.

If when carrying out the subsequent works the camshaft does not rotate, connect by a cable connector an asterisk and a chain.

10. Disconnect an asterisk from the camshaft of final valves and remove it. At the same time you remember the directing pins. Remove an asterisk together with a chain.

11. Engine 611: Uncover bearings of camshafts:

· Turn off bolts of fastening of covers of E1, E3, E5, and also A1, A3 and A5. At the same time pay attention to marking of covers for the subsequent installation.
· Weaken bolts of fastening of covers of E2, E4 and A2, A4 bearings in stages, every time on one turn so that to remove camshaft counter-pressure. You watch that at an otvorachivaniye of bolts camshafts did not warp. Completely turn out bolts and uncover.

12. Engine 612: Uncover bearings of camshafts as follows:

· Turn off bolts of fastening of covers of E1, E3, E4, E6, and also A1, A3, A4 and A6. At the same time pay attention to marking of covers for the subsequent installation.
· Weaken bolts of fastening of covers of E2, E5 and A2, A5 bearings in stages, every time on one turn so that to remove camshaft counter-pressure. You watch that at an otvorachivaniye of bolts camshafts did not warp. Completely turn out bolts and uncover.

13. Take out camshafts of inlet and final valves.



1. Grease a pusher and basic necks of camshafts with pure motive oil. Check ease of the course of pushers.
2. Install camshafts of inlet and final valves and expose them on the axial bearing. At the same time pay attention to an arrangement of shaft. Marking of shaft is put in a point of contact with the persistent bearing.

01 Camshaft of inlet valves
00 Camshaft of final valves.

3. Install camshafts so that openings (3) were in asterisks of camshafts against each other and markings of the camshaft and a cover of the bearing coincided.

Camshafts are very sensitive to retension and can collapse. Therefore you watch that installation did not lead to any overloads of shaft.

4. Turn a bent shaft in the opposite direction to position of the piston of the first cylinder 30 ° before VMT.

5. Establish covers of bearings according to their marking.

Covers of bearings are asymmetric. You watch that they were not displaced.

6. Engine 611: Fix covers of bearings of camshafts as follows:

· Tighten bolts of fastening of covers of E2, E4; and A2, A4 in stages, every time on one turn. Tighten covers the moment of 9 Nanometers. You watch that at an inhaling of bolts camshafts did not warp.
· Wrap covers of E1, E2, E5 bearings, and also A1, A3, A5 the moment of 9 Nanometers.
7. Engine 612: Fix covers of bearings of camshafts as follows:
· Tighten bolts of fastening of covers of E2, E5; and A2, A5 in stages, every time on one turn. Tighten covers the moment of 9 Nanometers. You watch that at an inhaling of bolts camshafts did not warp.
· Wrap covers of E1, E3, E4, E6 bearings and also A1, A3, A4, A6 the moment of 9 Nanometers.
8. Install the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of VMT.
9. Fix the camshaft of inlet valves. For this purpose implant a lock finger through a cover of the first bearing into an opening in an asterisk of a shaft of inlet valves.
10. Install an asterisk with a chain on the camshaft of inlet valves, at the same time pay attention to the directing pin.
11. Fix an asterisk by new bolts the moment of 18 Nanometers. If necessary cut off and remove a cable connector.
12. Establish the top guide, address appropriate section.
13. Establish a natyazhitel of a chain with a new sealing ring, address appropriate section.
17. Establish the top covers of the engine, address appropriate section.