Mercedes C-Class

W203 since 2000 of release

Repair and operation of the car

+ Mercedes-Benz cars of class C (W-203)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling system and heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Body
   - Leaving and external equipment of a body
      General information and security measures when carrying out body works
      Cleaning and leaving
      Repair of insignificant damages of body panels
      Repair of considerable damages of a body
      Damages of a windshield as a result of hit of stones
      Replacement of brushes of screen wipers
      Removal and installation of a jet of windscreen washer of a windshield
      Removal and installation of a jet of back glass
      Removal and installation of the lever of a screen wiper of a windshield
      Removal and installation of the lever of a back screen wiper
      Removal and installation of a catchment basin
      Removal and installation of a cowl
      Removal and installation of facing of a cowl
      Adjustment of a cowl
      Removal and installation of the lock of a cowl
      Drive cable detachment from the cowl lock
      Removal and installation of a lattice of a spoiler
      Removal and installation of a bumper
      Removal and installation of a rear bumper
      Removal and installation of a forward wing
      Removal and installation of a protective level on a wing
      Removal and installation of a protective level on a bumper
      Removal and installation of a protective level on a door
      Removal and installation of a forward loker covered
      Removal and installation of a back part of a loker of a wing
      Removal and installation of a forward door
      Adjustment of a door
      Removal and installation of forward facing of a door
      Removal and installation of a triangular slip
      Removal and installation of the external handle of a door
      Removal and installation of facing of an external rear-view mirror
      Removal and installation of an external mirror
      Removal and installation of glass of a mirror
      Removal and installation of a trunk lid
      Removal and installation of facing of a trunk lid
      Removal and installation of a clamp of the lock of a luggage carrier
      Removal and installation of the lock of a door of a back
      Removal and installation of the mechanism of the lock of a door of a back
      Removal and installation of the cylinder of the lock of a luggage carrier and door of a back
      Removal and installation of a door of a back
      Adjustment of a door of a back
      Removal and installation of facing of a door of a back
      Removal and installation of facing of a door of a back
      Removal and installation of a back spoiler
      Removal and installation of a cap of a cargo compartment
   + Equipment of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment


Leaving and external equipment of a body

General information and security measures when carrying out body works

The body is executed in the form of the bearing design. The bottom, sidewalls, a roof and back wings are welded among themselves.

The cowl, trunk lid, doors and forward wings are fixed on bolts and can be replaced. At installation of elements of a body it is necessary to sustain a uniform gap through their interface since otherwise there is a knock of doors or in the course of the movement there is increased wind resistance. The gap has to have identical value on perimeter of a prileganiye of elements of a body. Gap width deviations no more than 1 mm are allowed.

If within carrying out body works it is also necessary to carry out any works with electric equipment, it is necessary to disconnect surely a negative cable (-) of the rechargeable battery. For this purpose it is necessary to get acquainted with materials of the Section Replacement of the Rechargeable Battery. As works with electric equipment it is necessary to consider even disconnection of an electric wire from any conclusion.

Many covers and facings have fastening by means of clips. The damaged or lost clips need to be replaced. Removal and installation of razzhimny and lock clips address appropriate section.

Security measures when carrying out body works

If it is necessary to make welding of a body, then it has to be carried out with application of spot welding. Only in that case when there is no place for installation of welding pincers, it is possible to apply welding in the environment of protective gases.

· For the period of carrying out the welding or any other works connected with formation of sparks, the rechargeable battery needs to be disconnected completely (to disconnect positive and negative cables and to isolate an adhesive tape of a pole of the battery).

If the radio receiver has a code, then the last is erased at shutdown of the rechargeable battery. The radio receiver can be switched on only after input of the correct code, HUNDRED MERCEDES or the manufacturer of the radio receiver. Therefore before a detachment of the rechargeable battery it is necessary to find out a radio receiver code.

By production of body works owing to, for example, blows severe concussions of the car arise as the hammer. Therefore it is necessary to switch off ignition surely. Otherwise the safety cushion can work. Get acquainted with security measures at the address with a safety cushion, address the Section of the Security measure during the works with a safety cushion.

Models with the conditioner: It is not allowed to make welding and the soldering soft or solid solders of the elements of the conditioner filled with coolant. This treats also production of welding and the soldering of elements of the car if it can lead conditioner elements to heating.

Security measures

· You do not make opening of a contour of cooling of the conditioner since coolant, getting on skin, can cause its frostbite.
· At casual hit of coolant on skin it is necessary to wash out an affected area cold water within not less than 15 min. Coolant evaporates at an external temperature. Coolant has no color and a smell, and also it is heavier than air. As availability of coolant is not felt, around the bottom of the car and in a viewing ditch there is a danger of a suffocation.

Drying of a paint and varnish covering: When carrying out painting works in the course of repair drying in furnaces should not be made at a temperature over + 70 °C. Otherwise electronic devices of the car can be damaged. Besides, at the same time in the conditioner pressure can increase that will lead to destruction of system.

Removal of a polyvinylchloride sheeting of the bottom of the car: For protection against corrosion the polyvinylchloride sheeting is applied on the bottom of the car and wheel arches. The covering should be deleted with the rotating wire brush or the hair dryer at a temperature no more than +180 °C with the subsequent removal by the pallet.

Owing to burning or heating of polyvinylchloride over +180 °C are formed the acids promoting corrosion. Besides, noxious to health vapors are formed.

At repair of a body it is necessary to apply spot welding. Only if it is impossible to bring electrodes to the place of welding, it is necessary to apply welding in the environment of inert gases. As some elements of a body are galvanized, it is necessary to take the following security measures:
When carrying out the welding works or any other works connected with formation of sparks surely switch-off the rechargeable battery (positive and negative cables) and carefully isolate both plug(s) and (+). When working near the rechargeable battery, it needs to be removed.

 Attention! At removal of the battery the memories given from electronic blocks, in particular, a radio receiver code are erased. Without code the radio receiver can be switched on only it by the manufacturer or HUNDRED Mercedes-Benzs.

 Remarks: When welding galvanized sheets poisonous oxide of zinc is formed. Therefore it is necessary to monitor good ventilation of a workplace.

Increase welding current by 10, at most 30%.

Apply electrodes from solid copper with high thermal resistance (above + 400 °C).

Clear electrodes more often and process them to diameter of a contact surface of 4 mm.

Increase pressure upon an electrode.

Increase welding time. Time is chosen truly if welding ends are put without splashes.

The conditioner details filled with coolant cannot be welded and soldered both soft, and solid solder. It belongs also to a situation when there is a danger of heating of elements of the conditioner during the welding or the soldering of other elements of a design.

In addition

It is not necessary to open a contour of cooling of the conditioner since coolant at hit on skin can cause a frostbite.

When drawing a paint and varnish covering in the drying furnace heating of the car up to one temperature higher + 80 °C is not allowed. Otherwise electronic devices of the car can be damaged. Besides, in the conditioner pressure able increases to lead to destruction of system.

The car bottom sheeting from PHV is removed the rotating steel brush or hot air temperature to + 180 °C by means of the pallet. Owing to heating of a covering from PHV up to the temperature over 180 °C there is a chemical reaction and the hydrochloric acid promoting active corrosion is formed, besides, noxious to health vapors are formed.